February 12, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(2) – Smoking and vaping in public venues: Who’s more likely to say something?
January 22, 2019STASH, Vol.15(1) – Racial disparities in opioid treatment completion across U.S. cities
October 30, 2018STASH, Vol.14(11) – Religion and problem substance use in disadvantaged urban mothers
October 2, 2018STASH, Vol.14(10) – Decreased pain, increased risk: The role of marijuana in the opioid crisis
August 21, 2018The DRAM, Vol. 14(9) – More harm than good: Problems with parental supply of alcohol to children
June 12, 2018STASH, Vol. 14(6) – Elevated risk for substance use and mental health problems in the LGBTQ community