The BASIS is the Division on Addiction’s online journal, self-help toolkit, and addiction resource website. It provides weekly summaries of cutting-edge addiction science for the general public, free of charge. The BASIS is entirely reader-supported. Your contribution matters!
Currently, the Division on Addiction is offering two levels of sponsorship:
1. Special Series Sponsorship $15,000
Does your social services organization engage in education, research, health care, or advocacy? If so, those who serve will benefit from learning more about how addiction intersects with your mission. Consider advancing your mission by partnering with The BASIS to sponsor a Special Series. A Special Series is a month-long effort to bring attention to special topics in addiction, like homelessness, LGBTQ+ health, and youth risky behavior. During these months, each of our four science reviews focuses on the same special topic. For instance, how does homelessness relate to gambling problems or smoking cessation? We supplement these four science reviews with invited op-eds from experts from the worlds of healthcare, public policy, treatment, law enforcement, and education. When your organization sponsors a Special Series, you financially support these four science reviews and op-eds. We will recognize your organization in the following ways:
- Your logo (250 px), linked to your homepage, will be featured as an Organizational Sponsor on The BASIS website for one year
- Your organization will be featured in all subscriber emails promoting the Special Series components (150 px logo)
- Your organization will be identified as the Special Series sponsor in each component of the Special Series published on The BASIS
- Your organization’s staff will receive a bulk subscription to The BASIS
- Your organization will have the opportunity to contribute one op-ed to the Special Series.
To launch your organizational sponsorship or learn more, contact Vanessa Graham at
2. Friend of The BASIS $5,000
The Friend of The BASIS Sponsorship is perfect for individuals and organizations that would like to make a contribution to The BASIS without focusing on a specific subtopic. Your sponsorship will enable us to bring four science reviews to the public. We will recognize your organization in the following ways:
- Your logo (150 px) will be featured as an Organizational Sponsor on The BASIS website for one year
- Your organization’s staff will receive a bulk subscription to The BASIS
- Your organization will be featured in a single end-of-year subscriber email (150 px logo) thanking our Organizational Sponsors
To launch your organizational sponsorship or learn more, contact Vanessa Graham at
3. Individual Donor $Any amount
If you are interested in making a personal tax-deductible donation to The BASIS, please visit The BASIS Donation Page: