January 11, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(1) – Peer pressure: The influence of social network on adolescent smoking
September 21, 2021ASHES, Vol. 17(10) – Lighting up during lockdown: The effects of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on smoking behaviors among Italian adults
April 6, 2021ASHES, Vol. 17(4) – Neighborhood influences on intent to quit smoking among Asian-American males
April 7, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(4) – Statewide bans on public vaping predict reduced e-cigarette use in older adults, but not young adults
February 18, 2020STASH, Vol. 16(2) – Who, what, where, and when? Examining adolescent substance use with routine activity theory
October 22, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(11) – The role of flavors in vaping initiation, satisfaction, and addiction.
September 17, 2019The DRAM, Vol. 15(10) – Alcohol-branded content on Facebook: What does clicking “Like” say about drinking behavior?