June 25, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(7) – A comparison of the addictiveness of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes among emerging adults
April 5, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(4) – “I don’t smoke, I JUUL”: Nicotine dependence among e-cigarette users compared to traditional smokers
October 4, 2017STASH, Vol.13(10) – One size fits all? Extracurricular activities, substance use, and conscientiousness in adolescents
December 28, 2016STASH, Vol. 12(13) – Adolescent mental health disorders: A catalyst for substance use?
June 15, 2016STASH, Vol. 12(6) – When it comes to methadone maintenance treatment, one size does not fit all
October 8, 2014STASH, Vol. 10(11) – Stopping marijuana: Adolescent reports of marijuana-related withdrawal
January 2, 2013STASH, Vol. 9(1) – Not so different after all? Sex-specific patterns of psychiatric comorbidity among men and women with SUD
February 29, 2012STASH, Vol. 8(2) – A risky inheritance? Brain abnormalities among drug-dependent individuals and their non-addicted siblings
February 9, 2011STASH, Vol. 7(2) – When I grow up, I want to be a drug user: Considering childhood self-control and adult substance abuse