November 12, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(12) – Young people’s exposure to and engagement with nicotine and tobacco product content on social media
September 17, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(10) – Motivations and patterns of young adults’ use of tobacco and cannabis
August 20, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(9) – How do you identify?: Association between social smoker identity and smoking-related behaviors
June 25, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(7) – A comparison of the addictiveness of e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes among emerging adults
April 30, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(5) – How do adult smokers from diverse backgrounds perceive a mindfulness-based smoking cessation program?
February 6, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(2) – Smoking prevalence disparities by rurality, Appalachian status, and social vulnerability in Virginia
November 14, 2023ASHES, Vol. 19(12) – How repetition affects beliefs about tobacco-related misinformation