January 21, 2025The WAGER, Vol. 30(1) – Adolescent perspectives: Strategies to help protect this age group from gambling harm
October 29, 2024The WAGER, Vol. 29(11) – Gambling helpline calls and the types of gambling that motivate these calls in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden
March 19, 2024The WAGER, Vol. 29(3) – Enablers of and barriers to implementing gambling screening in community care settings in Australia
November 29, 2022The WAGER, Vol. 27(12) – The ripple effect of gambling: Harms experienced by concerned significant others
May 17, 2022The WAGER, Vol. 27(5) – Gambling on the stock market?: Examining associations between stock trading and problem gambling behavior
September 7, 2021The WAGER, Vol. 26(9) – Gambling during COVID: The impact of COVID-19 on gambling behavior and gambling-related problems