October 1, 2024The WAGER, Vol. 29(10) – Sources of influence on the gambling trajectories of Australian adolescents
August 8, 2023The WAGER, Vol. 28(8) – Association between other people’s gambling and the gambling behavior of Australian adolescents
December 27, 2022The WAGER, Vol. 27(13) – A family gamble?: Examining relationships between family dysfunction and gambling problems
May 10, 2022STASH, Vol. 18(5) – To love or to judge: How family stigma can increase substance use in the LGBTQ+ community
June 16, 2020The WAGER, Vol. 25(6) – Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The temporal relationship of substance use and problem gambling among African American and White adolescents and young adults
June 18, 2015STASH, Vol. 11(6) – My father’s father: Multi-generational substance use behavior outcomes