February 28, 2023The DRAM, Vol. 19(3) – Basketball and alcohol: How does March Madness influence college students’ drinking behaviors?
January 4, 2022The DRAM, Vol. 18(1) – Planning vs. doing: Intended and actual use of alcohol-related protective behavioral strategies among college students
August 20, 2019The DRAM, Vol. 15(9) – Under the peer influence: Heavy drinking beliefs in college students
March 27, 2018The WAGER, Vol. 23(3) – Paying to play: Do paid fantasy sports leagues signal gambling problems?
September 30, 2015ASHES, Vol. 11(10) – Smoking among college students with trauma exposure: The mediating role of PTSD symptoms
July 2, 2014The DRAM, Vol. 10(7) – Clicks, likes, drinks, and links: Alcohol-related Facebook content and risky drinking