January 12, 2021ASHES, Vol. 17(1) – Social media use by major tobacco companies in the United States: Are there differences based on the type of tobacco product?
December 15, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(13) – Perceived risk, quit intentions, and quit attempts among cigar users during the COVID-19 pandemic
November 19, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(12) – Can the course of ADHD progression influence an individual’s risk for developing Nicotine Dependence?
August 31, 2016ASHES Vol. 12(9) – What’s stalling reductions in tobacco use among US high school students?
April 13, 2016ASHES, Vol. 12(4) – Clearing the air: Exploring patterns of tobacco use among Southern California youth
October 28, 2009ASHES, Vol. 5(9) –Thinking of quitting smoking “cold turkey?” Chew on it for a while.