August 8, 2023The WAGER, Vol. 28(8) – Association between other people’s gambling and the gambling behavior of Australian adolescents
February 7, 2023ASHES, Vol. 19(2) – To brighten up or lightin’ up: The link between depression and adolescent nicotine use
July 12, 2022The WAGER, Vol. 27(7) – Internet gaming addiction and game genre among Korean adolescents
May 3, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(5) – Adolescents’ and youth adults’ perceptions of e-cigarette respiratory health risks
January 11, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(1) – Peer pressure: The influence of social network on adolescent smoking
February 7, 2018The DRAM, Vol. 14(2) – Who’s Got the Influence? Youth friend and family influences on DUI behavior