February 23, 2021The WAGER, Vol. 26(2) – Do teenage behaviors predict young adult gambling participation and problems?
April 7, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(4) – Statewide bans on public vaping predict reduced e-cigarette use in older adults, but not young adults
September 24, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(10) – Can social media be the answer to quitting smoking? The effects of a social media campaign on young adult smoking cessation
September 17, 2019The DRAM, Vol. 15(10) – Alcohol-branded content on Facebook: What does clicking “Like” say about drinking behavior?
September 27, 2017ASHES, Vol. 13(10) – The relationship between e-cigarettes and youth smoking uptake
May 31, 2017The DRAM, Vol. 13(6) – Leave no one behind: Understanding problem drinking among veterans
October 19, 2016The DRAM, Vol. 12(11) – Critical periods: The timing of child abuse and adult drinking
April 15, 2015ASHES, Vol. 11(4): Integrated intervention: Reducing both smoking and heavy drinking among young adults