April 5, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(4) – “I don’t smoke, I JUUL”: Nicotine dependence among e-cigarette users compared to traditional smokers
December 17, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(13) – Menthol users switching to traditional cigarettes: The key to smoking less?
November 19, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(12) – Can the course of ADHD progression influence an individual’s risk for developing Nicotine Dependence?
January 18, 2017ASHES, Vol. 13(1) – Parental socioeconomic status and nicotine dependence in children
November 23, 2016ASHES, Vol. 12(12) – Genetic risk for nicotine dependence: The need for diversity in research
September 28, 2016ASHES, Vol. 12(10) – Either way, it’s a drag: Daily vs. non-daily smoking in adolescents
December 23, 2015ASHES, Vol. 11(13) – Co-occurring cannabis and nicotine dependence increases the odds for DUI
May 13, 2015ASHES, Vol. 11(5) – Where there’s smoke, risk is higher: Smoking during pregnancy and nicotine dependence in offspring
August 6, 2014ASHES, Vol. 10(8) – Redefining “smoke break”: The effectiveness of a smoking cessation program at an inpatient psychiatric unit