September 17, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(10) – Motivations and patterns of young adults’ use of tobacco and cannabis
April 2, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(4) – Identification of shared and unique risk factors for cigarette and e-cigarette use among adolescents
June 1, 2021ASHES, Vol. 17(6) – Prevalence and correlates of daily blunt use among a national U.S. sample
April 13, 2021STASH, Vol. 17(4) – Does high school drug use matter in adulthood?: Trends in adolescent and future young adulthood drug use across race and ethnicity
January 19, 2021STASH, Vol. 17(1) – All the cool kids are doing it: The influence of peer pressure and emotional detachment on teenager’s early substance use initiation
September 29, 2020STASH, Vol. 16(10) – Is vaping really all that different? A qualitative study of recreational marijuana users’ experiences with vaping marijuana
August 25, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(9) – Examining the link between adolescent marijuana use and cigarette smoking in adulthood
February 18, 2020STASH, Vol. 16(2) – Who, what, where, and when? Examining adolescent substance use with routine activity theory