November 15, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(12) – Youth preferences for a school-based e-cigarette cessation program
April 13, 2021STASH, Vol. 17(4) – Does high school drug use matter in adulthood?: Trends in adolescent and future young adulthood drug use across race and ethnicity
January 19, 2021STASH, Vol. 17(1) – All the cool kids are doing it: The influence of peer pressure and emotional detachment on teenager’s early substance use initiation
July 28, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(8) – All the cool kids are doing it: The relationship between ADHD symptoms, tobacco use and social perceptions of tobacco use during the transition to college
May 5, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(5) – Inside the mind of a teenager: Misconceptions of the nicotine strength in JUULs among high school students
February 18, 2020STASH, Vol. 16(2) – Who, what, where, and when? Examining adolescent substance use with routine activity theory
April 17, 2018STASH, Vol. 14(4) – Marijuana use and perceptions among 12th graders in response to legalization
May 3, 2017The DRAM, Vol. 13(5) – What experiences during senior year of high school can tell us about driving while intoxicated after graduation?