June 16, 2020The WAGER, Vol. 25(6) – Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The temporal relationship of substance use and problem gambling among African American and White adolescents and young adults
January 2, 2013STASH, Vol. 9(1) – Not so different after all? Sex-specific patterns of psychiatric comorbidity among men and women with SUD
September 1, 2010The DRAM, Vol. 6(7) – Different reasons why men and women drink: Examining the underlying association between maltreatment during childhood and later alcohol problems
April 15, 2009STASH, Vol. 5(3) – Gender disparities: What traumatic events place young adults at risk for substance use disorders?
March 25, 2009The DRAM, Vol. 5(3) – College women trying to drink men under the table: The effects of reflective norms