“I learned it by watching you!” For those of us old enough to remember, these words call to mind the 1980s anti-drug PSA warning parents, especially dads, not to model drug use for their impressionable kids. These days, we know much more about the complex pathways between fatherhood and addictive behavior. We review some of this research this month, in honor of Father’s Day. We hope you enjoy our Special Series on Fatherhood and Addiction.
- First, The DRAM reviewed a study describing mothers’ and fathers’ drinking behavior and attitudes toward underage drinking.
- Next, ASHES reviewed whether certain associations between maternal smoking during pregnancy and child ADHD might actually be accounted for by paternal smoking and other factors.
- Later, STASH reviewed research related to fatherhood roles and responsibilities, and substance use among young Native American fathers.
- The WAGER concludes the Special Series with a study of the connection between early fatherhood and gambling problems.