Introduction to the Special Series on Addiction and Recovery among Tribal Communities


During the month of November, we will be marking American Indian Heritage Month with a Special Series on Addiction and Recovery among Tribal Communities. We will proudly present invited Op-Ed/Editorials written by researchers and clinicians with unique perspectives and expertise in this area.

First, on November 7, Dr. Anne Helene Skinstad of the National American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center and Dr. Dennis Norman of the Harvard University Native American Program describe some important lessons they have learned conducting Community Based Participatory Research within tribal communities. Next, on November 14, Dr. Kate Spilde of San Diego State University and the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming shares her experiences witnessing, and helping to document, the benefits of tribal economic development for tribal wealth and health. Our third Op-Ed/Editorial, presented on November 21, comes from Dr. Eduardo Duran, a clinical psychologist whose clinical and research work has focused on historical trauma as it relates to addiction and other mental health concerns in Indian country. Our fourth and final Op-Ed/Editorial, on November 28, comes from Dr. Martina Whelshula, former Executive Director of the Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations, a chemical dependency treatment center that serves adolescents from northwestern tribal communities. Dr. Whelshula will describe an emerging research-clinical partnership between the Healing Lodge and its tribal communities and the Division on Addiction.

In addition, each of our four science reviews this month (STASH, The WAGER, The DRAM, and ASHES) will touch on issues of addiction and recovery among tribal communities. We hope you will enjoy and learn from this Special Series.

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