Introduction to the Special Series on Alcohol Awareness Month


This month, in recognition of Alcohol Awareness Month, The BASIS begins a four-part series focusing on responsible drinking practices, policies, and interventions.

Earlier, The DRAM reviewed a study that investigated how local alcohol policies and drinking environment influence adolescent and adult drinking behaviors. ASHES examined the association between higher cigarette taxes and drinking behavior. Last week's STASH examined the combined effects of alcohol and marijuana upon driving. This week, The WAGER looks at differences in alcohol use and general health outcomes for recreational gamblers.

On Friday, April 25, The BASIS presented a Guest Editorial written by Judge J. Michael Kavanaugh, Senior Director of the National Center for DWI Courts.

The Division on Addiction’s own work in relation to alcohol interventions has focused in the past few years on developing a comprehensive mental health assessment and reporting system (the Computerized Assessment and Report System: CARS) for use in DUI programs and other addiction treatment services. Learn more about that project here. CARS has been funded by a contract from The Century Council. This month, in conjunction with Alcohol Awareness Month, The Century Council is changing its name to the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (FAAR). Check out their new website or follow them on Twitter: @goFAAR.

We hope you will enjoy and learn from this Special Series.

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