The following chart illustrates prevalence rates compiled from separate state studies estimating the current and lifetime prevalence of combined problem and pathological gambling among adults. Although some studies measured problem and pathological gambling as two distinct phenomena, for the purposes of this chart, the rates are combined. All of the studies used the SOGS (South Oaks Gambling Screen), though methodologies and the time frames of the studies varied. “Current” estimates were obtained by inquiring about gambling issues during the past year; “lifetime” estimates were obtained by inquiring about gambling issues during the respondent’s lifetime unless otherwise specified.
Source: Wallisch, L.S. (1993). Gambling in Texas: 1992 Texas survey of adult gambling behavior. Austin, TX: Prevalence in %. Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug.
This public education project is funded, in part, by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
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For more information contact the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling, 190 High Street, Boston, MA 02110.