April 2, 2024ASHES, Vol. 20(4) – Identification of shared and unique risk factors for cigarette and e-cigarette use among adolescents
October 17, 2023ASHES, Vol. 19(11) – Ending the epidemic: Assessing the impact of e-cigarette flavor and strength restrictions
September 19, 2023ASHES, Vol. 19(10) – Experiences of smokers who returned to smoking after exclusive electronic nicotine delivery systems use
November 15, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(12) – Youth preferences for a school-based e-cigarette cessation program
August 23, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(9) – Sweet tooth or sweet lung: Young adults’ relationship with vaping and diet
May 3, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(5) – Adolescents’ and youth adults’ perceptions of e-cigarette respiratory health risks
April 5, 2022ASHES, Vol. 18(4) – “I don’t smoke, I JUUL”: Nicotine dependence among e-cigarette users compared to traditional smokers