June 30, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(7) – Weight gain from quitting smoking can be avoided— if paired with other healthy lifestyle changes
November 19, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(12) – Can the course of ADHD progression influence an individual’s risk for developing Nicotine Dependence?
September 24, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(10) – Can social media be the answer to quitting smoking? The effects of a social media campaign on young adult smoking cessation
November 22, 2017ASHES, Vol. 13(12) – Are cigarette prices and smoking bans effective levers for change?
August 30, 2017ASHES, Vol. 13(9) – Does contingency management help smokers with alcohol dependence quit smoking?
July 5, 2017ASHES, Vol. 13(7) – Child cognitive ability and smoking in adulthood: Does education also affect the ability to start and stop?
May 11, 2016ASHES, Vol. 12(5) – Less likely to start but less likely to quit: Racial differences in smoking cessation
October 28, 2015ASHES, Vol. 11(11) – (Tobacco) free: Tobacco policy & mortality in the prison setting, with a focus on mental health
January 21, 2015ASHES, Vol. 11(1) – Comparisons of smoking behavior in lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults