December 15, 2020ASHES, Vol. 16(13) – Perceived risk, quit intentions, and quit attempts among cigar users during the COVID-19 pandemic
November 22, 2017ASHES, Vol. 13(12) – Are cigarette prices and smoking bans effective levers for change?
February 15, 2017ASHES, Vol. 13(2) – Is a picture worth a thousand words? Effects of pictorial cigarette pack warnings on smoking
November 23, 2016ASHES, Vol. 12(12) – Genetic risk for nicotine dependence: The need for diversity in research
June 10, 2015ASHES, Vol 11(6) – Prenatal exposure exposed: Alternate explanations for associations between prenatal nicotine exposure and later life outcomes
April 16, 2014ASHES, Vol. 10(4) – Tax time: Increased cigarette taxes are associated with reductions in alcohol consumption
January 22, 2014ASHES, Vol. 10(1) – Homeless or not, where there’s smoke, there’s desire: Smoking and desire to quit among homeless individuals
September 4, 2013ASHES, Vol. 9(9) – Taking your doctor’s advice to heart: Role of heart attack severity in successful smoking cessation