August 9, 2022The WAGER, Vol. 27(8) – Is it just for fun?: Learning why social casino gamers play and gamble
November 2, 2021The WAGER, Vol. 26(11) – Bitcoin and slots?: Examining the association between cryptocurrency trading and problem gambling risk
November 2, 2020The WAGER, Vol. 25(11) – What are the characteristics of people who continued to gamble during the COVID-19 pandemic?
November 5, 2019The WAGER, Vol. 24(12) – What are the most important risk factors that predict gambling problems?
August 13, 2019The WAGER, Vol. 24(9) – Seven-day exclusion from online gambling: A quick fix for at-risk gamblers?
July 16, 2019The WAGER, Vol. 24(8) – Turning to gambling to alleviate work stress: The role of burnout and emotion dysregulation in this relationship