January 12, 2021ASHES, Vol. 17(1) – Social media use by major tobacco companies in the United States: Are there differences based on the type of tobacco product?
September 24, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(10) – Can social media be the answer to quitting smoking? The effects of a social media campaign on young adult smoking cessation
August 27, 2019ASHES, Vol. 15(9) – Adolescent e-cigarette, cigarette and hookah use predicts future marijuana use
August 31, 2016ASHES Vol. 12(9) – What’s stalling reductions in tobacco use among US high school students?
April 13, 2016ASHES, Vol. 12(4) – Clearing the air: Exploring patterns of tobacco use among Southern California youth
September 28, 2011ASHES, Vol. 7(8) – Smoking tobacco with a hookah: Replacing the cigarette as high schoolers’ smoke of choice?